

Safety is a universal human right for all people. It is a priority and core value in Muslim Community Patrol & Services’s organization culture that requires a personal commitment at all levels in the organization as we create a work environment that values physical, emotional, and psychological safety, and dedicate our efforts to bringing safety and security in the community.


Every human being should be respected and treated with dignity. Muslim Community Patrol & Services takes every person’s individual human rights and privacy very seriously, and strives to eliminate all kinds and forms of discrimination, whether based on religion, belief, race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, or physical disability.


Aligning values with actions and practicing truthful conduct is crucial in building and sustaining an organization’s foundation that is based on integrity, ethics and safety. Muslim Community Patrol & Services strives to practice honesty, fairness, professionalism, and accountability in our work as we build strong, trusting relationships with its employees, volunteers, clients, community members, partners and collaborators.