
Coronavirus Lockdown Tips

The recent outbreak of COVID-19 has warranted several countries to employ safety measures to prevent the spread of the novel virus. It may be soon that New York - along with other states - may follow the lead of these nations and enforce a lockdown. With the prospect of a statewide quarantine looming, MCPS has compiled a list of tips to get you and your family through it.

1. Stock up on essentials but try to avoid panic buying and hoarding items others need.

  • Buy gloves, hand sanitizer, bleach, masks, and other cleaning supplies.

  • Make sure you have vital household medications, such as prescription medications, as well as painkillers and decongestants.

  • Buy non-perishable foods for longevity, but also fresh fruits and vegetables for variety.

  • Remember: you can still eat tasty and healthy foods. You don’t have to live on canned foods and non-perishables.

  • Freeze foods to extend the usable life of fresh ingredients.

2. Avoid complete isolation.

  • Beat the blues and monotony that comes with isolation with these simple ideas in The Atlantic.

  • Check in with your family, friends and colleagues using FaceTime, Google Hang Outs, Zoom or other video-chatting services.

  • Make sure that your inner circle is safe and healthy.

3. Create a conducive designated workspace in your home.

  • If you’re working from home, check out tips on how to create a workspace that helps you to remain productive from Lifehacker and Mind Body Green.

  • If you’re not working from home, you can still use the tips to create a space for you to work on your passion projects and be consistent.

4. Make use of this time with your children.

  • Clear out some space for exercise and games. Physical activity will not only prevent boredom, but also tire your kids out.

  • Devise unusual lessons on things you enjoy but aren’t taught in school, i.e. cooking or fitness.

5. Keep moving.

  • There are plenty of workout apps and videos on YouTube that you can follow.

  • If you can still go outside, go for a walk or visit a park. Solitary exercise outdoors will allow you to get some fresh air - just avoid large gatherings of people.

6. Spring clean your home.

  • Cleaning your home will protect against the spread of illness, while also making staying at home more bearable.

7. Netflix and Disney+, here we come!

  • Compile a list of shows and movies that you’ve always wanted to watch, grab your craft supplies, or pull out your old board games -- you’ll never run out of things to do.

    Or, use this time to learn a new skill, like coding, or reconnect with your faith.

8. Seek professional help if needed.

  • Isolating yourself from others can take an immense toll on your mental health. You don’t need to go outside to get help; many therapists can offer their services over phone or video chat.

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